AAIC Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving
  • 300 Locust Street
    Attleboro, MA

  • Living Word of Life Church at Wamsutta Middle School

AAIC Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving

The Attleboro Area Interfaith Council (AAIC) invites all to their annual Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 24 at 2:30pm. The service will be held at the Living Word of Life Church at Wamsutta Middle School, at 300 Locust Street in Attleboro. Music will include performance by the Oure Pleasure Singers. This service highlights the interfaith connectivity that thrives in the Attleboro Area.

The AAIC is a network of volunteers, community supporters, and houses of worship focussed on serving those in need – families, children, older adults, the homeless and the hungry. To meet the emergency food needs of the region, they run six Daily Kitchens, three Family Cafés, and four Summer Kids Cafés. For spiritual care during illness, they employ an Interfaith Chaplain at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. They are also often a first responder in times of crisis in the Attleboro area, meeting an extraordinarily wide range of human needs.

Oldtown is proud to support the efforts of the AAIC through our Food Forward program, in which a portion of the cost of each supper purchased goes to the AAIC’s “Food N’ Friends” program.


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