

We thank you for your pledge and promise to support the mission and ministry of the Oldtown church. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure help us continue to serve our congregation, our community, and our world. Completing the form below tells us how and where you would like to help, and helps us with setting budgets for the coming year. If you indicate your interests below, we will connect you with the appropriate ministries, so you can lend your passion to being the Oldtown Church.

If you decide you can make a financial pledge, we thank you and we ask that you give in proportion to the value that the Oldtown Church brings to your life. Here is some general information regarding past pledges and donations:

In 2020, the majority of families pledged between $10 and $50 a week. The following chart shows the number of pledges for 2020 we received on pledge forms at the end of last year, broken down by the weekly amount pledged.

A pledge is not a contract or an obligation; it’s a promise to do our best to give a certain amount. We recognize that things change throughout the year, and many who had the best of intentions for giving to Oldtown can find it difficult to keep up with their usual donations. Luckily, others often step up and accelerate or increase their giving in an effort to help. We are thankful to all who have given and continue to give what they can so far this year. Even something as small as $5 or $10 a week, whether that’s all you can afford to give or if that’s an amount you can add to your current giving, will go a long way if we all do our part together.

We humbly ask that you consider making a pledge to support our church, both financially and through working with us in one of our varied ministries listed below. The gifts you give of your time, talent, and treasure make everything we do at Oldtown possible.

And if you’d like to support our church immediately, visit our Giving page to give online or set up recurring online giving.

The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NRSV)

Grace and Peace to you,
~ Your Oldtown Stewardship Ministry

Please fill out the form below to send us your pledge, or if you’re more comfortable with mailing us your completed form, click here for a PDF version that you can print and mail to us.

    Oldtown Pledge/Promise Form

    To support the mission and ministry of the Oldtown Church...

    I/We promise to give:(required)


    I/We would like to help with:
    DeaconsMissions MinistrySocial Justice MinistryStewardship MinistryMusic MinistryFlower MinistryFund Raising MinistryHistorical MinistryPastoral Relations MinistryBuildings & GroundsOther