We are thrilled to announce our plans to return to in-person worship at Oldtown on Sunday, February 20th. Our church committee continues to work hard to ensure that we are returning in a manner that we can safely welcome everyone back in our traditional spirit of “All Are Welcome!”

For at least the first couple of weeks, we will be continuing our requirement that masks must be worn at all times when in the church building. We continue to monitor local, state, and federal recommendations in order to ensure that everyone, including those who cannot be vaccinated or choose not to do so, remains as healthy as possible, respecting everyone who joins us as we return to worship in person as the Body of Christ in Oldtown.

Everyone will have their own feelings and their own level of comfort in returning to worship together, and as always, we ask that you respect everyone’s personal feelings and personal space. There may also be those who are as yet uncomfortable meeting together in person, and that is perfectly fine too. Rest assured, we will continue to post our Oldtown Shorts videos online relating to the message delivered from the pulpit each Sunday, and the text of each sermon will also be posted online shortly afterward, usually during the following week.

Please stay safe and take care of each other!


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