Next Steps

Next Steps

The following message from Pastor Kelly was included in our Oldtown Update on Friday, August 21st:

Friends, these are unprecedented times and as your Pastor, I want to assure you that our Church Committee has been working hard for the past five months taking care of the administration of the church while we have been unable to join together in person. Because there is so much uncertainty in our world, decision making is not easy. We are a loving congregation and we all have our own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Please know that it is with utter love and concern for our entire church family that we make the following statement.

Statement from our Church Committee:

For the safety of all, the church building will remain closed and all in-person worship, activities and events will be suspended until next year and until it is safe for all to return. The Church Committee will be monitoring the Massachusetts infection rate and looking to our denomination, our insurance company and the CDC for guidance.

We all want to be back together worshiping in-person, sharing in fellowship in Maxcy Hall and working on fairs, suppers and yard sales but we need to wait until it is safe for everyone to do so.

We thank you for your continued patience.


If you have questions, comments, or suggestions that you would like to share with the Church Committee, please feel free to email them at