2018 Clerk’s Report

2018 Clerk’s Report


First Congregational Church

January 21, 2018

The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, January 21, 2018 in the sanctuary following morning worship.

The meeting was called to order by James Brinson, Moderator.

Pastor Kelly Thibeault then gave an opening prayer

A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of Conrad Morel who passed away in 2017. He was an active member and benefactor of our church. Our baby grand piano was given by him in memory of his beloved wife, Dorothy.

Jim then read the revised version of the Church Committee Covenant (2007) and reminded all to keep this in mind today.

The roll call of members was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk with 37 members responding and 4 guests (total – 41).

A five minute recess was then declared for the reading of the printed reports.

A motion was made by Deb Fennell and seconded by Ed Clavette to waive the reading of the printed reports with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, the Proposed Budget and Nominating Committee Report. Jenn Lumi stated that the Christian Education report was last year’s report and not this year’s. Ed said he would fix it. The motion then passed.

A motion was then made by Deb Fennell and seconded by Ed Clavette to accept the waived reports as printed. So passed.

The Auditing Report was then read by Dorothy Sutherland finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

Jim Koepfler, Treasurer, then gave thanks to assistant Treasurers Deb Fennell and Dan Thibeault, as well as Jim Fennell for his help. This is the end of one year, but the beginning of a new one. He then read and explained the summary of the Treasurer’s  Report. Cindi Barkley moved to accept the report. Marion England seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Jim then read the Fund Treasurer’s report in Dan’s absence. Deb Fennell explained how the gift card program works: Stop & Shop gives us $5.00 for every $100.00 card. Marion pointed out that if just 15 more people used this we could make $2,500-$3,000 per year for the church. Tom Sanford made a motion to accept the report, Deb Fennell seconded it and so passed.

The Proposed Budget for 2018 was then read by Jim Koepfler. He explained the paid administrative staff had been gifted $4,000 and part of this was carried over. It was proposed to move forward with the proposed figures. Pastor Kelly’s salary line varied due
to retirement fund figures; she was not underpaid. Leah Moynihan asked about the Music Ministry. Jim Fennell said it paid license fees to allow us to play some music and pays pianist costs. Jim Brinson stated that the proposed budget as presented showed we are over budget by $4,500, but we feel we can make this up during the year if each individual in our average attendance can add $1.25 per week or give a few extra dollars once in a while. Ed Clavette moved to accept the budget; Kevin Graves seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

The Nominating Committee Report was then read by Carolyn Chretien. Pastor Kelly noted that Jenn Lumi was kept on as Sunday School Superintendant even though she may be moving. Thanks to Jenn for all she has done. Several names were added by correction or nominated from the floor:

  • Missions Ministry — Leah Moynihan, Kris Collins, Janice Tondravi, Jeannette Galvin
  • Fund Raising Ministry – Marion England
  • Christian Education Ministry – Doreen Dix

A motion was made by Ed Clavette and seconded by Jim Fennell to have the clerk cast one vote for the total list of nominations. Jim Brinson then announced that on the nominating page, the term “committee” has been replaced with”‘ministry” in most position titles. An addendum page will be printed to change this in our constitution and by-laws.

Jim Fennell then gave thanks to Jim Brinson for his years of service from 2015 to present as Moderator.

Carissa Johnstone then suggested that attention was needed at the schoolhouse when it rains causing some puddles on the walkway. It will be looked into.

Jim Brinson then gave special thanks for:

  1. Two anonymous donors that allowed hiring Hope Cahill to assist Pastor Kelly with administrative work this year. Her expense is included in the 2018 budget.
  2. Sexton work by Dolores Charron.
  3. Hard work and dedication given by all Ministry leaders, members and non-members.
  4. For all volunteers that support our hospitality tables, fund raisers, collations, suppers, fairs, and emergencies, for their hard work and dedication. Special thanks to Ed Clavette for all he does around our church.
  5. The dedication of our church officers.
  6. Special unseen service givers:
    Our hospitality crew and volunteers for always assuring a warm greeting and goodies after service.
    Peter Gaw for care of the lawns and Ed Collins for his many talents and skills.
    Henry Chretien, Dave and Ellen Kingman for their help in maintaining many of our important things.

As there was no further business to come before the meeting, we all stood and sang the Doxology as is our custom.

Deb Fennell moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Marion England and passed unanimously.

A pot luck lunch and fellowship followed in Maxcy Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2018

As of December 31, 2017, there were 129 members on the Active Membership List. We welcomed nine new members in 2018, three members passed away, and no members were transferred to another church or to the Inactive Membership List.

So, as of December 31, 2018, there were 135 members on the Active Membership List. During the year, we celebrated one adult Baptism, three weddings and one wedding renewal, and welcomed nine new members. Pastor Kelly officiated at 33 funerals in the church and around the community, including three for our beloved Oldtown members Lisa Fitzpatrick, Betty Grant, and Karen Healy.