The Fair is Coming! The Fair is Coming!

The Fair is Coming! The Fair is Coming!

How is the church annual fair like raking the leaves in your yard? Well, it does take many hours of work to capture those leaves, and the more hands that help, the easier the job! The old saying “Many hands make light work” is never truer than at fair time. We hope you have been making beautiful things for the fair throughout the year, and now we need everyone to help.

Check out the list of tables in Maxcy Hall and sign up for duty the day of the fair. You can even SIGNUP ONLINE to help!! Mark your calendars! Here is a schedule of events to prepare for the fair. It will mean a lot if you can give some of your time to make this a success.

Sunday Nov. 10th: Immediately after worship, we need strong bodies to help bring up tables from the vestry and to put the tablecloths on them. Also after church, Hope Cahill, Valerie Fertitta or Kris Collins will be available to collect any crafts you made for the fair.

Wednesday, Nov. 13th @ 6:30 pm: This the “Final Call” time to drop off any crafts or last minute items. Our fair committee will be working hard over the next two days to set up the table displays. If you would like to offer the fair committee a hand with task, please call or text Kris Collins at 508-851-0527.

Friday, Nov. 15th: Someone will be around the church most of the day so you can drop off any last minute Baked Goods. Some quick notes about baked goods for the fair: This year the Cookie Corner will be combined with the Baked Goods Table again, so please consider baking up a storm—everyone loves “goodies”. Please label your goodies with the ingredients so those who are allergic to things like nuts, gluten and egg are alerted. Also, please do not wrap your goods in aluminum foil, use clear plastic wrap instead.

Also on Friday, Nov. 15th, we’ll begin preparing food in the kitchen around 6:30 pm. If you’d like to join us to help, ask Ed.

Saturday—Fair Day—Nov. 16th 8:00 am—3:00 pm: Everyone working a table, or in the kitchen should arrive no later than 8:00 am to do final preparation and organization of the items on their tables. We’ll also be working in the kitchen starting at 8:00 to get things started. There is always room for an extra pair of hands even if it’s only for one hour! Remeber, you can always check to see if someone might welcome a lunch break.

Starting at 2:00 pm: At the end of the fair—from 2:00 pm until we’re done—welcome hands are most needed to help pack up and clean up after a busy day. Folks who have been working the fair all day will no doubt be tired, so even if you can only come at 2:00 pm to help with the cleanup, we need you! Remember, many hands make light work!

So folks, please don’t “leaf “us in the lurch, but help us to “rake” in a “pile” of money in support of our church. 

Thanks and God Bless!!