2023 Annual Report of the Pastor and Teacher

2023 Annual Report of the Pastor and Teacher

January 2024

The 2023 year was a year filled with, food, faith, fellowship, and fun. As the year began, during the season after Epiphany, our worship theme reminded us that in Oldtown, we are Chosen, Invited, Blessed, Encouraged, Inspired, and often Surprised. I was pleasantly surprised in January when we welcomed eleven new members to join us on the journey: Dolores Charron, Rob Charron, Paul Cunningham, Edi Diaz, Daniel Kennedy, Bob Marshall, Helen Marshall, Joe Marshall, Sandi Pardi, Lynn Ross, and Tara Santsaver.

During Lent, as we were reminded that we are “Good Enough” and encouraged to embrace the imperfections of our lives and in our faith, our daily email devotionals reminded us to look for the “Beauty in Imperfection.” Holy Week brought back our Maundy Thursday play, while on Good Friday, we sat at the foot of the cross, and on Easter Sunday, we shouted “Alleluia!” waving our colorful fabric strips. The celebrating continued as we spent the Great Fifty Days celebrating our church and our faith, focusing on Amazing Teachers, Sacred Inner Wisdom, The Way of Jesus, the Love of Community, Glimpses of God, God’s Amazing Story, and Holy Spirit Moments.

After a busy yet spirit-filled summer, the fall brought about our “Worship, Wonders, and Whys” theme as we spent the fall wondering about why we do what we do in worship. We finished off the year in comfort, wearing our flannel shirts, sharing Tidings of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, and searching every day for things that we were thankful for and acts of kindness that we could share with others.

Now though we had lots of fun this year, that doesn’t mean we didn’t occasionally find ourselves frustrated by the behaviors of others, challenged by unexpected floods and unplanned happenings, and filled with grief and sadness at the death of friends and loved ones. This year, we said goodbye as we celebrated the lives of Carolyn Delgado and Janice Tondravi, two amazing women who, in their own way, left lasting legacies of kindness, hard work, and compassion.

A big thank you to everyone who helped, and participated in our worship services, our Food, Faith & Fun, and Wondering about the Word programs, our fundraisers, our mission projects, and our fellowship gatherings. Oldtown would not be the same without YOU!

Blessings of peace and grace!
Pastor Kelly