Missions Ministry Annual Report 2020

Missions Ministry Annual Report 2020

To start the year 2020, the Missions Ministry went to a Co-Chair system. After giving many hours of dedication and being the driving force to our ministry, Cindi Barkley stepped down as chair. Leah Moynihan and Kris Collins would co-chair for the upcoming year. Members currently include Cindi Barkley, Deanne Bellinger, Dolores Charron, Kris Collins, Jeannette Galvin, Becky Halsey, Lean Moynihan, Jim Santsaver, Janice Tondravi.

The Ministry continues to follow our Mission Statement:

Our mission is to reach out to the outside community, as well as our own, to spread the Word of Jesus through kindness, hope and fellowship.”

Due to the pandemic of 2020, many activities and events were put to a halt. We were unable to meet in person but did manage to have two zoom meetings to discuss some ideas for our ministry to do good in our world.

There were also several single acts of kindness done by many members behind the scenes. There were school supplies bought, gifts and clothes were given to a family in need. There were several phone calls, letters and cards sent to check on our church family as well as our community. This only proved that even without a formal meeting or planned event, the Missions Ministry was at work doing good somewhere in our world.

    The church continued their support of Leah Moynihan’s medical mission to Rwanda in January 2020. Leah spent 10 days in Kigali working with a mission to treat women with birth trauma. In addition, Leah has remained in contact with the family of Tresor Siboniyo, a 12-year-old Rwandan child. The Missions Ministry is working with his family to pay his school and bus fees. This help is much appreciated by Tresor and his family.
    In February, the congregation was invited to attend a “Thank You” luncheon. The Missions Ministry wanted to give back to all who give so much every day, week, and year to Oldtown. Maxcy hall was decorated with red, pink, and white balloons. The rest of the hall reflected the same color theme. All the food was prepared by the Missions Ministry along with a few others who just wanted to help out. We had our own master of ceremony Jeannette Galvin entertain. There was a mad lib game along with a fun award ceremony to recognize our members. It was wonderful to have so many in attendance and everyone seemed to have a great time.
    Since we did not have any collections happening due to the pandemic, it was decided to have an underwear and sock collection. This not only would help those in need but help our congregation revoke their giving spirit. We had two weekends to collect new underwear and socks. We got a good amount donated and Cindi Barkley distributed them to the community in need.
    It was discussed over a zoom meeting that something should be done to give to our friends and neighbors in need over the holiday season. To begin the season of Advent, a reverse advent calendar was sent out to everyone. It was requested that each donation box be decorated to highlight the season. Every day according to the calendar a different food item was added. These boxes were collected (of course socially distant and masks in place) at the church. We had a drive by drop off that lasted for 2 hours.

    The total number of boxes was around 35! If everyone put in 20 items that would have been over 700 food items. But given the generous nature of our congregation most boxes had well over 20 items. It was a joyous day getting donations not only from Oldtown members but others who heard about our food collection.

    Some of the food went to families known to the church, some went to New Hope. Two of the boxes were designated to AA members who meet across the street. The next day we took 3 cars full of food to the Hockomock YMCA. They now work in collaboration with the local food pantries. They were overwhelmed with this donation and would be able to feed many families in the area.

It goes without saying what a different year this has been. Unable to meet at our sanctuary has been difficult. However, thinking back on what we were able to accomplish should not only make our ministry proud, but also our church family. We have surely lived up to our mission statement and will continue to do the work in Jesus name.

Respectfully submitted,
Kris Collins & Leah Monynihan