Annual Report of the Clerk 2022

Annual Report of the Clerk 2022

First Congregational Church

January 30, 2022

The Annual Meeting and roll call of members of the First Congregational Church UCC of North Attleborough, Mass. was held on Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 11:00 AM via a ZOOM meeting. The church was once again closed for a one month PAUSE due to continuing problems caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Members convened on their computers / devices.

The meeting was called to order by Leah Moynihan, Moderator. She waited for several minutes to be sure everyone could attend before welcoming and thanking all.

Pastor Kelly Thibeault gave an opening prayer recalling conditions and blessings we experienced during this past year.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of members and friends who passed away in 2021: David Kingman, James Hall, Peter Santsaver Sr., and Thomas Gaudette Jr.

Leah then read the Church Committee Covenant (2007) and reminded us to keep it in mind during the meeting.

The roll call of members was then read by Carolyn Chretien, Clerk, with 31 responding.

Leah then explained that the 5 minute recess for the reading of printed reports would be waived as everyone had received the reports before the meeting. This was with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, Propose Budget and Nominating Report. A motion was made by Kevin Graves and seconded by Ed Clavette to waive reading and so passed.

A motion to accept the waived reports as printed with the exception of the Treasurers’ Reports, Proposed Budget and and Nominating Report was made by Jim Fennell and seconded by Ellen Kingman. So passed.

Tom Sanford then read the Auditors’ statement finding the books to be accurate and well kept.

Linda Vogler noticed that on page 11 the report of the Buildings and Grounds, the line about replacing the floors in Maxcy Hall meeting room was not finished –it should read two rest rooms and Maxcy Hall narthex.

Jim Koepfler then gave an overview of the Treasurer’s Report. He thanked both Assistant Treasurers — Deb Fennell and Dan Thibeault. We have 5 savings accounts plus investments to be reported on by Dan

Our checking account on `12 /31 was $14,481. This compares pretty favorably to 2020 — it was$18,646 at the height of COVID. A so called normal year in 2019 was $29,000.

Income vs expense for the past year shows a deficit of $2,373. Compared to 2020 it was $10, 175, a significant difference. Quite an improvement given we are still in the midst of a pandemic

A good part of the difference can be attributed to fundraisers -virtually no expense ($281), Pop Up craft fair, pet clinics, SAVERS collections, yard sales, and online sales.
Thanks to Ed Clavette and others for their hard work.

Expenses were fortunately held within line of our goals. All in all we had a pretty good year. You can see the numbers on the budget sheet.

Dan Thibeault then gave the Fund Treasurer’s Report. He reported a couple of funds had no activity. The Memorial Fund is in good shape. The Trust Fund increased this year by $5,000. for a balance of $90,000. Buildings and Grounds did lots this year and have a $10,031,47 balance in the fund. We have paid back $6,000 for the schoolhouse improvements but still owe $10,000. A motion was made by Ed Clavette and seconded by Tom Sanford to accept all Treasures’ reports. So carried.

The Proposed Budget for 2022 was then read and explained by Jim Koepfler. The budget was cut as much as possible but we still have a deficit of $12,727. Discussion then followed and questions were answered. Ed Clavette made a motion to accept the budget. Deanne Bellinger seconded it and it passed with one nay vote.

The Nominating Committee report was then read by Carolyn Chretien. This year only the names of the lead person for each ministry as it did last year. Jim Fennell pointed out the position of Vice Moderator had been created so that a person would step up to Moderator the following year. It remains open at this time. Members were urged to help with various ministries. Non-members can serve but not as chair person or an officer. Leah encouraged people to come to Church Committee meetings to learn how the church works. They can attend but may not vote. Pastor Kelly will post ZOOM meetings as well. Tom Sanford moved to accept the report. Deanne Bellinger seconded and so passed.

Leah then thanked the entire congregation for their dedication and hard work all year. Ed Clavette thanked all for their help on the yard sales — he said he couldn’t have done it without their help. He gave special thanks for the dedicated help of Katerina Trieb from the Attleboro High School Ambassadors Group. She’ll be missed as she heads on to college.

Jim Fennell then thanked all who gave financially during this tough year. –98% of our income is met by this.

Carolyn then thanked Leah for her job of handling the duties of Moderator.

Church Committee meetings will move to the 3rd Tuesday of each month so Linda Vogler may attend as a possible Vice Moderator.

Our PAUSE in worship for the month of January will be decided at the February Church Committee meeting on February 15th. A date to reopen will be decided.

As there was no further business to address, the Doxology was sung and Leah declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk

Statistics for 2022

As of December 31, 2021, there were 138 members on the Active Membership List.
   4 new members
   0 transfers from inactive
   1 death
   1 transfer to other churches
As of December 31, 2022, there were 140 members on the Active Membership List.
Members on the inactive may be transferred back to the active list per their request.

During the year, we Baptized one child and one adult and celebrated one wedding. Pastor Kelly officiated at thirty-nine funerals in the church and around the community, including one for a beloved member of our Oldtown family, Steven Whitney.