Annual Report of the Historian 2020

Annual Report of the Historian 2020

Goodbye to 2020 and also many of the plans we had in mind. The proposed purchase of another fire proof file cabinet did not happen and will be postponed to sometime in the future due to our financial status. Any plans for further open houses in conjunction with the N. Attleboro Historical Commission did not take place and of course the third grade visits will not take place for the foreseeable future.

We did get to see three classes before the COVID 19 pandemic struck and everything was closed down. At the time this happened Pastor Kelly, Ed Clavette and myself talked about filming the tour so that it might be used not only for the schools if they were interested, but for our own use. This was done later in the year with the wonderful help of Dan Thibeault who spent many hours filming, editing and producing a great presentation.

We did learn that the “big lock” that used to be on our front door was made by George Whitfield Robinson (1771 -1838). The lock was patented in 1818 most probably installed on the door of this building in 1828 when it was built. The Robinson family was prominent in those early years, Deacon Noah Robinson (1702-1778), his son, Deacon Enoch Robinson (1735-1798) his son George Whitfield Robinson (1771-1838) maker of the lock!

Of course a big lock needs a big key and when the kids visit they are very impressed when Ed shows them the lock, the key and how it works! A far cry from how we lock our
buildings today.

Hopefully 2021 will be better and we look forward to getting back to normal.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn E. Chretien, Clerk /Historian