Christian Education Ministry Annual Report 2018

Christian Education Ministry Annual Report 2018

There have been lots of changes to our Christian Education Ministry this year. Some out of necessity, but most in order to best meet the needs of our congregation and the family dynamic in our world that continues to change.

Of course, we held onto the exciting events, like making soup for Souper Bowl Sunday, our Mardi Gras pancake Supper and our rousing Bible Jeopardy game. On Palm Sunday, our teachers and children dress up as residents of Jerusalem waving their palms and shouting Hosanna! And the children from our Communion Class helped serve communion. We had our annual Easter Egg hunt and on Easter waved our strips of fabric and shouted Halleluiah!

In preparation for Children’s Day on Pentecost, the congregation was split into 4 groups and a competition commenced as each team collected can tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in Providence. On Children’s day the 4 teams, competed in a pizza making contest and following worship we had pizza and make your own sundaes! Also, on Children’s Day we were introduced to Flat Jesus, who travelled with all of us over the summer to remind us that we are never alone. Youth Group met on a regular basis from January to May.

At the beginning of the year, in January, we revamped our safe church policy and got background checks on a good percentage of the congregation, especially for those who would be working with children.

Over the summer we said goodbye to Jenn Lumi as she and Jim moved to Tennessee, but they brought Flat Jesus and the love of Oldtown with them.

In September, instead of offering Sunday School, we started Household Huddle. Household Huddle is a way for families to learn about and practice their faith together. During Household Huddle, we are reminded to breath, share, reflect and thank.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pastor Kelly Thibeault for Christian Education Superintendent