Missions Ministry Annual Report 2023

Missions Ministry Annual Report 2023

It has been my honor to have worked with such a dedicated group of women. They were Deanne Bellinger, Dolores Charron, Kris Collins, Doreen Dix, Janice Dumont, Leah Moynihan, Tara Santsaver, Janice Tondravi, and, of course, Pastor Kelly.

Unfortunately, we lost two of our members this year. The first was Leah Moynihan, as she moved to Worcester to begin a new chapter of her life. The second was Janice Tondravi, as she went home to be with our Lord in September. I must say, we miss both of them.

The Missions Ministry officially came together in February to, for the most part, working a very full year. At that time, we mapped out the remainder of the year with collections, recognitions, projects, and assistance in a variety of other church functions and services. They were as follows…


Undie Sundays – We held four collections. Each collection brought in more than two trash bags full of donations. Donations went to shelters, schools, and New Hope.

Out of the Box

  • February, we collected cans of soup for the food pantry. Donors were able to place them for the team of their choice…Kansas City Chiefs, or the Philadelphia Eagles.
  • March, we collected pet food and supplies. These were donated to the area animal shelter.
  • June, July, and August, we collected a different category of food or household/personal supply needs. A challenge of filling a bin three out of four Sundays each of those months, and there would be a Make-Your-Own Sundae Party at the end. The challenge was more than met with at least three full bins each week. What wonderful and caring people we have amongst us.
  • Late Summer/Early Fall, a plea was put out to support a mission trip headed by Marjon Tondravi for children in the villages of the Dominican Republic. Once again, the response was overwhelming.
  • September/October, there was an influx of Haitian immigrants to the North Attleborough area. Clothing, food, strollers, toys, and gift cards were requested. Several loads of items were delivered to be distributed. Also, winter apparel items were requested.
  • November, we collected items to fill Christmas stockings for the homeless. We increased our number this year to 40 stockings that were filled to the top. These were delivered to the homeless in the Attleboro and No Attleborough area.
  • On-Going, was food pantry items. When the Food Pantry was flooded, instead of food items, gift cards to Stop & Shop were requested.
  • Rwanda student Tuition was donated for one last year of school through the mission work of Leah Moynihan.


  • Continued on with the Member of the Month. Some of newer members that were recognized were: Edi Diaz, Helen Marshall, Sandy Pardi, and Paul Cunningham.
  • Continuance of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Several were handed out.


  • November – Assisted with the two-day Oldtown Fall Fair, under the direction of Kris Collins and Deanne Bellinger.
  • November – Assisted with the Hanging of the Greens.


The Missions Ministry also worked on several projects this year.

  • Welcome Packets Developed – A small packet was developed, which included various brochures, calendars, and miscellaneous information cards. These are handed to all new visitors. Along with these packets, a registration card is given to them so we get their information early.
  • Name BadgesName badges were made for every person attending the church. This included members and non-members, children and adults.
  • Community Building LuncheonA luncheon was planned for everyone to attend, free of charge. In coinciding with the 30th anniversary of Maxcy Hall, it was the creation of the Missions Ministry to hold this luncheon to further build fellowship, relationships, and of course …food and fun.
  • Covered service for Pastor KellyTo cover for one of Pastor Kelly’s vacations, the Missions Ministry led service on September 11th. The sermon was based on “Welcoming AND Hospitality.” New members, as well as Mission’s members, spoke on what brought them to Oldtown and why they keep coming back.
  • Service and Collation for Janice TondraviAfter losing Janice on September
    15th, the Missions Ministry assisted her family with the planning of a “Celebration of Life” service and collation. The service, led by Pastor Kelly, also had several members that spoke. The Missions Ministry also dedicated two Prayer Shawl ladder displays and named the ministry the “Janice Tondravi Prayer Shawl Legacy”. A collation with beautiful photos, great food, and incredible memories was shared by over a hundred people.

It has been personally gratifying year to see so much accomplished. But none of this would have been possible without the rest of the committee and, of course, every person in this beautiful and giving church. Many heartfelt thanks to the ideas and donations to the entire congregation for ‘never questioning… and always giving’.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindi Barkley +++ Missions Ministry