Oldtown Holiday Fair / Silent Auction Report 2023

Oldtown Holiday Fair / Silent Auction Report 2023

On November 10th and 11th, we held the Oldtown Holiday Fair. After the success of a Friday night opening last year, it was decided to do it again. That was a good decision, given that there was a line of people waiting on the ramp before our opening time! This addition to our fair has proven worth the extra hours of work!

After reviewing it, it was once again decided that the whole event would be held upstairs. The Auction was held in the sanctuary. This gave our guests a chance to see our beautiful church! We used our meeting room to serve soup and baked goods. We kept the menu simple, with several varieties of hot soup to purchase. Small tables were available for our guests.

Our crafts were displayed beautifully throughout Maxcy Hall. Items ranged from wreaths, hats, nature crafts, and holiday decorations. We also had a “Shabby Chic” table with vintage treasures. This table is always a hit!

We also had a raffle of several themed baskets which was a lot of fun. Visitors loved buying the tickets at the length of their arms!

The turnout from our community was fantastic, and many commented on the friendliness of our congregation. Financially, it was one of the most profitable fairs we have ever had…. none of this would have been possible without the dedication, the many hours, and the friendliness of our congregation! Whether you set up tables, baked cookies, greeted people at the door–or even if you came to shop–our success would not be possible without you. Thank you!

Kris Collins – Fair Ministry