Report of the Deacons for 2023

Report of the Deacons for 2023

This was a good year with us being back full time with in person worship in the church. Communion has continued with Pastor and a deacon passing it individually.

We continue in our roles as aides to Pastor Kelly with the Sunday and Holy Day services, as well as continuing with cards, notes, and visiting sick parishioners. We will continue to work with Pastor Kelly in trying to meet her needs from the deacons.

Deacons Account 2023   Expenses for the year included
Starting Balance $301.30   Upper Room $154.80
Deposits $936.00   Coffee $78.76
Expenses $310.46   Palms $30.90
Ending Balance $935.84   Communion Cups $46.00

~ Patricia Sanford, for the Oldtown Deacons